Following pregnancy and birth, moms can commonly have pelvic floor weakness (leading to incontinence and prolapse) and abdominal issues (including weakness and diastasis recti). Do you:

leak when you cough, sneeze, run or jump?

have a stubborn tummy pooch that does not flatten?

commonly have a heaviness in the pelvic floor?

feel that things down there are just not right or like they used to before pregnancy and birth?

We will address these concerns and more!

So, what's included in this program?

You will get to watch all the recorded guides to do Core and Floor!

PLUS... you'll be part of a community of Wonderful Mamas who's sharing the same interests with you!

Read some feedback by mothers who joined our programs.

Do you have a MONTHLY plan?

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Or... get it at a package deal!

it starts at $57 only

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Are you ready now?

Come on and join our CORE AND FLOOR Virtual On-Demand Class!